9940542371 kvk-kattupakkam@tanuvas.org.in



Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Chengalpattu has implemented Paramparaghat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY) scheme at Elanigiyampatti village of Kollihills from August 2019 to till date. Initially one local group is formed in the name of MASILA PKVY Farmers group consisting of 21 farmers covering in an area of 21.4 ha.The major crops covered under organic farming are Black pepper,Hill banana, Pine apple,Coffee, Cardamom, Vegetables and Millets.

Basicdata’s pertaining to farmers history of all local group members, last 3 years crop status in Kharif, Rabi and summer ,Organic farmer pledge from individual members, Tentative certification team, Peer inspection / field inspection appraisal worksheet detailswere collected from 21 member and the same was uploaded in PGS portal, Government of India. Then the group is registered with Regional Council – Deputy Director of Horticulture, Chengalpattu and the PGS,India has approved the group & provided registration number (Reg. No. LG1800049279).

So far 5 capacity building programmeswere conducted relevant to organic farm management, organic input production for soil fertility management, pest and disease management, adoption of PGS standards in field practices and PGS certification at group level with 21 members/ training, totalling 105 farmers. Soil and water testing was carried out for all organic farm fields. Peer field inspection was made in local group members field by Assistant Professor (Horticulture), Professor and Head,KVK,Chengalpattu and Deputy Director of Horticulture (RCs), Chengalpattu.

Totally Rs.2,40,000/- is provided as incentive to all group members through DBT for construction of On farm organic input production units and application of organic inputs to their fields. By using this incentive, 3 farmers constructed vermicomposting unit with a size of 10 x 4 x 4 feet, 1 farmer started Panchakaya production unit by interconnecting the dairy unit and another 2 farmers started apiculture unit with 2 -4 beehives and extracted honey @ 1 litre in 2 months period. Now the farmers harvested Pepper,Hill banana and obtained the pepper yield of 2- 2.5 Qunital per acre. All the farmers received PGS Green Scope certificates under Organic conversion from PGS india.